Release Date: November, 2024

What’s new!

New Features:

  • Admins can now create and manage a bank of questions to streamline the process of adding evaluation questions at any level. This feature eliminates the need to retype questions each time, enhancing efficiency and consistency.
  • Admins now have the ability to change the label for protected bill to (System, School, Self). This feature provides greater flexibility and customization to better suit your organization’s needs.
  • Provide ability to hyperlink to the registrant from the course enrollment tool.
  • Admins can now view classroom hours directly within the roster list. This feature provides a quick and convenient way to track and manage classroom hours without needing to navigate to different sections of the platform.
  • Admins now have the ability to change the label for “Classroom Hours” to their preferred terms. This feature enhances flexibility and allows for better alignment with organizational terminology.
  • Admins can now provide one or more email addresses to receive notifications when someone registers for a specific district. This feature enhances tracking and management of district-specific registrations.
  • Admins can now provide one or more email addresses to receive notifications when someone registers for a specific district. This feature allows district personal to be notified without being added as an approver.
  • Admins now have the ability to automatically generate unique numbers for consolidated invoices.
  • Admins can now toggle on or off the ability to establish a connection to D2L. This integration ensures seamless registration and withdrawal processes between Ascriptica and D2L.

    Key Features:

    • Toggle Capability: Admins can enable or disable the D2L integration.

    • D2L Course ID: In the course wizard, admins can provide the D2L course ID that corresponds to the Ascriptica course number.

    • Connection Setup: Settings allow admins to establish a connection to D2L.

    • Automatic Registration: When a participant registers for a course in Ascriptica, they are automatically registered in the associated D2L course.

    • Automatic Withdrawal: When a participant withdraws from a course in Ascriptica, they are automatically withdrawn from the associated D2L course.

Improvements and Tweaks

  • Resolve bug sorting by date requested in the district approval module
  • Resolve bug sorting by district OR by school/work location in work location approval module.
  • Resolve Add to Google Calendar and Add to Outlook Calendar being off by 4 hours.
  • Resolve bug showing a balance of $-100 for a course.
  • Resolve event scheduler not sending out consistently seat usage warning.
  • Duplicate emails when multiple approvers are assigned to a district
  • Error when generating Adhoc enrollment report
  • Resolve titles bleeding over in course manager.
  • Error showing courses with exempt status in user manager.
  • License Error: Bug not allowing registration when license limit reached, and user already counted.