Release Date : 3/30/2018
What’s new!
Manage users: Add/Delete/Update/Merge users, add picture, set roles or lock out participant from one or more categories indefinitely or for a specified period of time.
Improved auditing: Sometimes it is necessary to go back and understand who changed what. We have improved our ability to help by tracking more activities in user management and in the enrollment module among others.
Manage Training Year
Manage your training year from the web
Manage Areas/Districts
This module allows you to manage the districts/areas as well as determine which is a member or non-member.
MUNIS Export
Export and track what has been exported to your financial system. Current format supports MUNIS
Category Manager
If a school district is large enough it may want to delegate the management responsibilities to others. The Category Manager is used to create categories that organize offerings within your class catalog; when selecting courses, teachers may choose to look at offerings within each category individually. Courses within each category may be administered by designated staff, request approval, and different preferences may apply on a per-category basis.
We have updated our course module to support a 3 tiered unit. This may be used to mimic the state standards or rubric and others. You may choose to use 1,2 or all 3 levels and associate them to your courses so you can report on them later. You may also specify the labels for each level.
Ascriptica Event Scheduler
We have revamped our old engine and replaced it with a new scheduling framework. This initial release establishes this new framework and currently supports the following events. These events will eventually replace the various places reminders were set throughout the application allowing you to set all reminders and schedule events all in one place. In addition you may set as many as you like.
Improvements and Tweaks
Fix bug in member vs non-member pricing
Revamped the course history view to make the statuses clearer in the dashboard
Ensure the course start count down is accurate
Updated our custom Identifier architecture (used for teacher cert# and other important tracking codes)
Allow the admin to lock a user from single category/department
Sort enrollment list by last name
Prevent the data from resetting when you search the enrollment
Fixed bug preventing a category admin from duplicating an existing course
Fixed bug showing selected and adhoc location at the same time