Custom Role overview:

Ascriptica is deployed with several standard roles. However, you have the ability to create your own roles and permissions to provide specific access to a certain group of users.


How do I create a custom role?

Sample use case:

  • I would like to give a specific group of users access to the enrollment tool only. All the other admin tools should not be accessible.


  1. First, log into Ascriptica
  2. Click on tools
  3. Expand the tools sub section and click on Roles and Permission
  4. Click Add to begin the process
  5. Provide the name of the role and a description that help users understand what the role will have access to.
  6. Click save
  7. Select the areas of the system the role should have access to
  8. Click Submit.

How do I update/change the permission of an existing role?

Sample use case:

  • I created a new role; however,  we found out that we provided too much access and I need to restrict access even further.


  1. First, log into Ascriptica
  2. Click on tools
  3. Expand the tools sub section and click on Roles and Permission
  4. Search for the custom role
  5. Click on the gear icon to change the access. Toggle off the checkbox to remove and toggle on the checkbox to add new permissions.

    • Note: Click the pencil icon to change the name and description
  6. Click submit to save your changes

How do I assign a custom role to a user?

Sample use case:

  • I would like to give a specific group of users access to the enrollment tool only. All the other admin tools should not be accessible.


  1. First, log into Ascriptica
  2. Click on tools
  3. Expand the tools sub section and click on User Manager
  4. Use the filters to find the user
  5. Click the pencil icon to make changes to the user
  6. Click on the role page
  7. Click Add Role
  8. Select the role from the list and click submit
  9. Click next to save the change

Video: Creating and assigning custom roles