In order to associate an AscripticaTM course with a Canvas LMS course all you need is the Canvas LMS Course ID. See below for how to find it and associate it with an Ascriptica course. These instructions assume you have already configured Ascriptica to communicate with Canvas LMS. If you have not done so yet, please see click here.

In addition, Ascriptica allows you to mark registrants complete when a course is concluded in Canvas.

How to get the canvas LMS Course ID

  • Login to your Canvas site using an account with admin rights/privilege
  • Navigate to the course’s home page
  • The course number can be found at the end of the URL in the browser as shown below

How to associate your ascriptica course with the canvas course

  • Login to Ascriptica with admin rights/privilege
  • Go to course manager and open the course you want to associate
  • On the general page, scroll down and input the canvas ID you got from the URL above


Mark registrant complete when the course is concluded in Canvas.

  • Open the event scheduler and create a new event “Canvas Concluded Monitor.”
  • Provide a name for example “Mark registrants complete”
  • Set status to active
  • Tell Ascriptica how often to run for example ever day
  • Tell Ascriptica what time to run. For example 2:00AM.
  • Tell Ascriptica if you want to look at previous training years. IF set to 0, it will only look at current training year. If set to 1, it will consider current year and the previous training year.