AscripticaTM allows you to edit the data as well as the look and feel of the certificate, email, and most exports.  The new online editor allows you to make changes directly to the template like you would change a Microsoft Word document. How to make simple changes to rich text templates such as certificates, emails, invoices.
  • First, log into Ascriptica
  • Click on ‘Tools’ from the menu on the left.
  • Click on ‘Edit Templates’ as shown below to open the module.
  • Once the template module is open you may make formatting changes
    • Highlight any text or tag and click bold, italics, underline etc to change the format.
    • To change the font color, highlight any text or tag and click on the text color picker.
    • To change the alignment within a cell, right click and select cell properties. H Align and V Align are the horizontal and vertical alignment respectively.
    • To change the background color of the cell, go to advance and set the color to the hex code of your choice. Please remember to include the # in front of the hex code. Use the following link to get the correct hex codes for your desired color: Color Hex Color Codes (
    • Click save to save your changes.
  • For more advanced changes such as padding and css you may click on tools then source code in the editor to access the html code directly.
Teacher Certification Expiration notification tags
Code (Tag) Description
#logo# logo
#schoolname# school name
#orgname# Organization name
#rooturl# root url
#clientid# client id
#userid# user id
#email# email
#sendto# send to
#email2# email 2
#employeeid# employee id
#custid# Customer id
#fname# First name
#lname# Last name
#username# user name
#dob# Date of birth
#hiredate# hire date
#phone1# phone 1
#paddress1# Address 1
#paddress2# Address 2
#pcity# city
#pzip# zip
#pstateshortname# state short name
#pstatelongname# state long name
#pareaname# area name
#compliancedate# compliance date
#earnedcredits# earned credits
#hrs# Classroom Hours
#totalhrs# Adds classroom and non-classroom hours.
#nonclassroomhrs# Shows non-classroom hours only.
#credittype# credit type
#worklocation# work location
#position# position
#state# state
#courseno# course number
#courseid# course id
#coursetitle# course title
#coursedesc# course description
#coursebdate# course begin date
#courseedate# course end date
#today# today’s date
#today_TM# Current time
#maxcredits# maximum credits
#classmsgheader# class message header
#contactemail# contact email
#contactphone# contact phone
#courselocname# course location name
#courselocadd1# course location address 1
#courselocadd2# course location address 2
#courselocroom# course location room
#courseloccity# course location city
#courselocstate# course location state
#courseloczip# course location zip
#directionsurl# directions url
#instructor# instructor
#complete# complete
#orgname# orgname
#instrlbl# instrlbl
Certificate expiration email tags
Code (Tag) Description
#LOGO# Logo
#rooturl# root url
#orgname# Organization name
#schoolname# School name
#userid# User id
#email# Email
#email2# Secondary Email
#employeeid# Employee ID
#customidentifier# custom identifier
#fname# First name
#lname# Last name
#username# user name
#dob# Date of birth
#hiredate# Hire date
#compliancedate# Compliance date
#district# District
#worklocation# Work location
#position# Position
#phone1# Phone 1
#address1# Address line 1
#address2# Address line 2
#city# City
#state# State
#zip# Zip
#days# Days after certification expires
Enrollment Export Labels
Code (Tag) Description
#CLIENTID# Client Id
#USERID# User Id
#EMAIL# Email
#EMAIL2# Email 2
#EMPLOYEEID# Employee Id
#FNAME# First Name
#LNAME# Last Name
#USERNAME# User Name
#FULLNAME# Full Name
#HIREDATE# Hire Date
#PHONE1# Phone 1
#PADDRESS1# Address 1
#PADDRESS2# Address 2
#PCITY# City
#PZIP# Zip
#PSTATESHORTNAME# State short name
#PSTATELONGNAME# State long name
#COMPLIANCEDATE# Compliance Date
#WORKLOCATION# Work Location
#POSITION# Position
#STATE# State
#DATEOFBIRTH# Date of birth
#CUSTID# Customer Id
#EARNEDCREDITS# Earned credits
#COMPONENTNUMBER# Component number
#MAXCREDITS# Max credits
#EVALSTATUS# Evaluation status
#ENROLLMENTSTATUS# Enrollment status
#ADDITIONALDETAILS# Additional details
#COMPLETE# Complete
#PAYMENTSTATUS# Payment status
#PAYMENTMETHOD# Payment method
#PAYMENTCODE# Payment code
#PONUMBER# Po number
#CHECKNUMBER# Check number
#COURSENO# Course number
#COURSETITLE# Course title
#COURSEDESC# Course description
#COURSEBDATE# Course B date
#COURSEEDATE# Course E date
#INVOICENO# Invoice number
#REGISTRATIONDATE# Registration date
#TODAY# Today
#TODAY_TM# Today Tm
#COURSELOCNAME# Course location name
#COURSELOCADD1# Course location address 1
#COURSELOCADD2# Course location address 2
#COURSELOCROOM# Course location room
#COURSELOCCITY# Course location city
#COURSELOCSTATE# Course location state
#COURSELOCZIP# Course location zip
#DIRECTIONSURL# Directions url
#DISTRICTID# District Id
#DISTRICTNAME# District name
#DISTRICTCODE# District code
#ISLDAPUSER# Is Ldap user
#USERSTATUS# User status
#LOCKOUT# Lock out
#REGLOCKCATEGORY# Reg lock category
#LOCKREASON# Lock reason
#LOCKDATE# Lock date
#LOCKEDBY# Locked by
#REQUESTEDBY# Requested by
#COURSECATEGORY# Course category
#COURSETYPE# Course type
#COURSEDESCRIPTIONURL# Course description url
#CONTACTPHONE1# Contact phone 1/td>
#CONTACTEMAIL1# Contact Email 1
#DELIVERYMETHOD# Delivery method
#CANVASID# Canvas id
#MAXSIZE# Max size
#CLASSROOMHOURS# Class room hours
#CREDITTYPE# Credit type
#PACE# Pace
#PUBLICATION# Publication
#INTERNALREGSDATE# Internal regs date
#EXTERNALREGSDATE# External regs date
#REGDEADLINE# Reg dead line
#WITHDRAWDEADLINE# Withdraw dead line
#FOLLOWUPCOMPDATE# Follow up comp date
#COST# Cost
#PAYMENTON# Payment On
#COMMENTS# Comments
#USERCOURSESTATUS# User course status
#CHECKAMOUNT# Check amount
#SELFPACEDENDDATE# Self paced end date
Dynamic Labels
Code (Tag) Description
[LBL1] Category
[LBL2] Instructor
[LBL4] Accounting Information
[LBL5] Participant
[LBL6] Lawson ID
[LBL7] Support Banking
[LBL8] District
[LBL9] School
[LBL10] Member
[LBL11] Material
[LBL12] Fee
[LBL13] Non-Member
[LBL14] Global
[LBL15] Teacher Cert#
[LBL16] Email Address
[LBL17] User ID
[LBL18] Legacy Datum
[LBL19] Self Paced
[LBL20] Rubric
[LBL21] Domain
[LBL22] Component
[LBL23] Rubric
[LBL24] Moodle Shortname
[LBL25] Singular
[LBL26] Course Track
[LBL29] Course
You can also use custom attributes Like #TEXTBOOK PROVIDED# Is Textbook Provided?
Special tags
Code (Tag) Description
#MAXCREDITS# Total credits/points allowed for the selected class
#EARNEDCREDITS# Total credits/points earned by the participant for the selected class
#CREDITTYPE# Type of Point/Credit *
#EVALSTATUS# Evaluation status. Not started, In progress, or Complete*
#COURSESTATUS# Course Status. Complete, no show etc*
#ENROLLMENTSTATUS# Participant’s registration is approved, pending or was declined
#PAYMENTSTATUS# Payment status. Paid or Unpaid.
#PAYMENTMETHOD# Type of payment used. Check, Money Order or Credit Card
#PAYMENTCODE# Who paid. Participant, School or System
#ADDITIONALDETAILS# Additional details provided by the participant during registration
#CUSTID# Alternate ID for the participant. May be used as a teacher certificate number or other identifier
#PADDRESS1# Participant’s address line 1
#PADDRESS2# Participant’s address line 2
#PCITY# Participant’s city
#PSTATESHORTNAME# Participant’s abbreviated state
#PSTATELONGNAME# Participant’s state
#PZIP# Participant’s zip code
#PAREANAME# Name of the Area/District assigned to the Participant
#PAREACODE# Code of the Area/District assigned to the Participant
#FULLNAME# participant’s first and last name
#FNAME#  participant’s first name
#LNAME#  participant’s last name
#WORKLOCATION#  participant’s primary work location
#POSITION#  participant’s primary position
#INSTRUCTOR# Instructor
#COURSENO# Course Number
#COURSETITLE# course title
#COURSEDESC# course description
#COURSEBDATE# course start date
#COURSEEDATE# course end date.
#TODAY# Today’s date
#HRS# Number of hours completed designated on the class.
#INSTRLBL# Dynamic label for instructor