- End user Tools
- Assigned Courses
- Dashboard and Profile
- Overview
- How do I edit my profile?
- How do I setup my profile picture?
- How do I change my password?
- How do I reset my password?
- How do I update my primary/secondary email address?
- How do I update/set my primary position and work location?
- How can i get reminded that my certificate is about to expire?
- Course Catalog
- Course History
- Pending Courses
- Pending Evaluations
- Admin tools and preferences
- Course Manager
- Overview
- How to open the course manager?
- How do I find courses created by our organization?
- How do I find the courses I created?
- How can I approve, deny or delete Courses?
- How can I edit the Course details?
- How can I duplicate a course?
- How can I export a list of courses?
- How can I create a new course?
- How do I restrict a course?
- Reserving Seats
- Video : Create New Course
- Course Enrollment
- Overview
- How can I find the list of available courses being taught?
- How can I add/register a new participant?
- How can I send a message to participants enrolled in a course?
- How can I create a sign-in list?
- How can I generate certificates?
- How can I export information to print name tags?
- How can I generate and/or export an evaluation summary?
- How can I manage the waitlist?
- How can I mark all participants paid/unpaid?
- How can I mark all participants complete/incomplete?
- How do I extend/re-route an evaluation
- How do I consolidate an Invoice
- Work Location
- Positions
- Event Scheduler
- User Manager
- Analytics And Insights
- Manage Districts
- Manage Categories
- Manage Labels
- Ad Hoc Reporting
- Training Centers
- Target Audience
- Focus Area
- Delivery Methods
- Follow-up Methods
- Course Tracks
- Global Survey Questions
- Organization
- Login Configuration
- User Settings
- Course Settings
- Mass Email
- How Evaluations work
- Custom Attributes
- Creating and assigning custom roles
- Payment Settings
- Course Manager
- Mobile
- Administration
Payment overview:
Ascriptica can be configured to match your existing process. This is achieved by several configuration options. Ascriptica also supports multiple methods of payment including checks, money order, online payments, POs by school or district. Ascriptica provides the flexibility to determine how payment is captured, who should be notified and the conditions under which payment is required.
How to access and/or change general payment settings:
Ascriptica supports multiple payment gateways. Below are instructions for 2 of our most popular:
Ascriptica can be configured to match your existing process. This is achieved by several configuration options. Ascriptica also supports multiple methods of payment including checks, money order, online payments, POs by school or district. Ascriptica provides the flexibility to determine how payment is captured, who should be notified and the conditions under which payment is required.
- How to access and/or change general payment settings
- How to view/select which payment gateway is right for you
How to access and/or change general payment settings:
- Open tools
- In the search box type “payment” and it should filter out the tools and setting just to those relevant
- Click on “payment settings”
- Toggle on/off the setting you would like to change.
- Click save.
Ascriptica supports multiple payment gateways. Below are instructions for 2 of our most popular:
- Payal Standard
- Paypal PRO
- Authorize net
- Click below to access Paypal’s official instruction for configuring their auto return feature. This is needed to return to Ascriptica after a payment has been made. This sends transaction information back to Ascriptica so we can record payment information and should not be skipped. https://www.paypal.com/us/cshelp/article/how-do-i-use-paypals-auto-return-feature-help197
- Go to Ascriptica’s tools\payment setting and then provide the email to your PayPal account and set the transaction mode
- Click below to access Paypal’s official instruction for retrieving api username, api password, api signature. This is needed to communicate with Paypal. https://www.paypal.com/us/cshelp/article/how-do-i-create-rest-api-credentials-ts1949
- Go to Ascriptica’s tools\payment setting and then provide the email to your PayPal account and set the transaction mode
- Click below to access Authorize.NET’s official instruction for retrieving Merchant Keyword, Merchant Password. This is needed to communicate with Authorize.NET. https://support.authorize.net/knowledgebase/Knowledgearticle/?code=000001271
- Go to Ascriptica’s tools\payment setting and then provide the details and set the transaction mode